Restore Freedom Weekly

Constitution Segment Recap


Thursday Jun 02, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for Jurisdiction - does the court have the authority to hear your case? Legal citations at
 • Katherine's documents in the Allegan County Election Day Case provide more info on jurisdiction:  • A more in-depth legal analysis of subject matter jurisdiction can be found in the documents Katherine filed last year in the case: and
#Jurisdiction #Court #ConstitutionSegmentRecap #Constitution #Law #CourtRules #Authority #Case #Trespass #Judge

Thursday May 19, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for What is Due Process and what does it mean for me? Legal citations at
#SubstantiveDueProcess #ProceduralDueProcess #14thAmendment #Court #Justice #Michigan #Allegan #AlleganCounty #Trial  #Law #CriminalProcedure #CourtRules #Constitution #WeThePeople #14A #5A #DueProcess #LifeLibertyProperty #ShallNotBeDeprived

Thursday May 12, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for Republican SoS Nominee Interview & Overview of Current MI Petitions. 
• How many times is the chief elections officer mentioned in the Michigan Constitution? • What are the rights of citizens for specific petitions in the MI Constitution? 
#Vacancies #Petition #TruthMatters #KnowledgeISPower #EducateYourself #ConstitutionalOath #Elect #Rights #Senators #Representatives

Thursday May 05, 2022

When talking about the state of Michigan’s Executive Branch; how are ‘Rights’ and ‘Powers’ applied?  What does the Constitution of Michigan say about Executive Branch organization?  What are the duties of the Executive Branch when someone in public office is violating the constitution?  Constitutional Oath of Office; who is required to take it and what happens when they don’t? Legal citations at
#Candidate #Gubernatorial #RyanDKelley #KelleyForGovernor #MINextGovernor #KnowTheCandidates #WeThePeople #OathofOffice #ConstitutionViolation #ExecutiveResponsibilities

Thursday Apr 28, 2022

Voters in Michigan may request an audit on elections run by the Secretary of State, but the SoS does the audit of its own results?  🤔
“MCL 168.861 does NOT” allow Plaintiff to file a quo warranto claim as an individual in Michigan? 🤦🏼‍♂️
Have you read what your state constitution says about elections?  What about your state statutes?  We’ll go over the constitutional provisions and statutes regarding elections and individual rights to audit. You can find the MCoA decision here:
#WeThePeople #OathOfOffice #ElectionAudit #ElectionIntegrity #ConstitutionalAdvocate #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #Rights #Grassroots #GovernmentOverreach #OFthepeopleBYthepeopleFORthepeople

Thursday Apr 21, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for Interview With a Candidate for Michigan AG.  Legal citations at
#Constitution #Candidate #AG #AttorneyGeneral #CriminalDefendantRights #OathofOffice #StateConvention #PrecinctDelegate #KnowTheCandidate

Thursday Apr 14, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for Abortion and the Constitution. View Whitmer's court complaint at
#TruthMatters #WeThePeople #IndividualLiberties #Abortion #RightToLife #Law #Rights #Michigan #Whitmer #Governor #ConstitutionalOath

Thursday Apr 07, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for EOs & MI Sup Court: What law was actually struck down & why? What’s happening now?  Legal citations at
#WeThePeople #Resolution #Law #PublicHealth #truth #EPGA #Knowledge #EMA #PublicHealthCode #MISupremeCourt #SeparationOfPowers #NonDelegation #GovernmentOverreach #MDHHS #EOs

Thursday Mar 31, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for April Fools' and "Resolutions" as laws.  Legal citations at
#Constitution #TruthMatters #WeThePeople #Resolution #Law #Ordinance #Truth #AprilFools #Knowledge

Thursday Mar 24, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for The Truth about the allegiance of BAR attorneys. What Michigan and US Constitution provisions that define the oath required by judicial officers?
#Oath #Bar #Attorney #Lawyer #Esquire #Allegiance #Britain #England #Courts #Truth #Conspiracy #PracticeOfLaw

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