Restore Freedom Weekly
Get Involved Challenge

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Don't become overwhelmed in this ongoing Freedom fight! Pick no more than 3 freedom fighting topics for 2023! #3for2023 #GetInvolvedChallenge
Freedom Fighting Focus... The more you realize how each level & branch of government violate our rights in so many ways, the more overwhelmed you become in trying to fight back against it all. Going into 2023, let us help you focus your #FreedomFighting efforts to make it more realistic & manageable. The first step is to narrow down your topics to fight for. Yes, you love ALL your freedoms, but you only have so many hours in each day. Pick your top 1 to 3 topics of concern to watch throughout 2023. Religious liberty, medical freedom, 2A, property ownership/takings clause, free speech & press, search & seizure, equal protection, homeschooling and/or educational freedom - just pick no more than 3 for 2023! As simple as this #GetInvolvedChallenge may seem, it will set the course for your entire freedom fight in 2023, so don't pass this challenge up!