Restore Freedom Weekly

Restore Freedom Weekly


Friday Oct 20, 2023

What's the status of certain bills in the state legislature? Who sponsored it? Who voted for it? What bills are currently introduced on any given topic? When is the legislature in session? When are the legislative committee meetings? What bills has your state representative or senator sponsored? Explaining State Legislature Online Resources from a S1E1 Throwback!Freedom Fighting Tools in this episode:• Michigan Bills:• MI Legislature Calendars:• MI Legislature Committee Meetings:

What is Common Law? S3E9

Friday Oct 13, 2023

Friday Oct 13, 2023

Some people think Common Law is our path back to freedom. Others even call it “God’s Law.” So, what is it - and is it Constitutional?

Sunday Oct 08, 2023

What charges were filed against Trump? What did he do that they claim is criminal in nature? Why is the government and the media pushing so hard on the Trump “Insurrection” narrative? The indictment can be found at

Saturday Oct 07, 2023

What is an “insurrection”? What is a “riot”? Now, MANY J6ers AND BLMers remained peaceful protesters, and this video in no way says that all J6ers are good nor all BLMers are bad. But the media, the courts, and the federal government are all keeping J6ers in the spotlight, while completely ignoring the actions done by BLM for many months across the entire country. And we just can’t ignore the facts about the BLM events.

Saturday Oct 07, 2023

Biden said of J6ers: “Don’t dare call them protesters. They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It’s that basic. It’s that simple.” But what is an insurrection and do the facts of January 6th meet that definition? Were the events of J6 VIOLENT? Were the events of J6 planned to be VIOLENT? Were the events of J6 AGAINST AUTHORITY? What does the Constitution say about Insurrection?

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023

What rules or procedures apply in appeals? What documents must you file? WHEN must you FILE and SERVE them? HOW do you serve them? What must the documents contain? How must the documents be formatted? Where do you even look for the answers?

Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Politicians using legal warfare against Trump, J6ers, & maybe yourself. Even attorneys like Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and myself have been targets. When justice is not done at the trial court, an Appeal must be filed. But what then? Today, we're going over the Top 5 Motions filed in Appeals.

Top 6 Post-Trial Motions! S3E2

Saturday Sep 30, 2023

Saturday Sep 30, 2023

Whether you just want to understand President Trump's legal options, you're Representing yourself in court, or Don't have much faith in your attorney, I invite you to Continue learning with our series on self-representation. Today we're going over the Top 6 After-Trial Motions. Whether your case is civil or criminal, this info will help you be best prepared for court.

Top 4 In-Trial Motions! S3E1

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Thursday Sep 21, 2023

Representing yourself in court? Don't have much faith in your attorney? Continue learning with our series on self-representation. Today we're going over the Top 4 In-Trial Motions. Whether your case is civil or criminal, this info will help you be best prepared for trial.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

New Mexico Governor bans carrying guns; says Constitution is not 'absolute'. What does the Constitution say? WHAT can be done about it? WHO can do something about it? Back from hiatus due to our family emergency, we look forward to joining you Tuesday @ Noon EST for Episode 27 of Restore Freedom Weekly!

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