Restore Freedom Weekly

Restore Freedom Weekly


Tuesday May 23, 2023

You've just been arrested! Now what?!? Hear from a freedom fighter & government exposer about his most recent battle against ignorance & tyranny. See what constitutes an arrest, what happens once you've been arrested, and what your next steps should be. Join us as we brainstorm and answer questions about how to initially fight back when you've been unlawfully arrested.

Tuesday May 16, 2023

The government says you've committed an "offense" and must appear for court. Everyone knows this requires you to be given Due Process of law. That includes providing you with Notice of when & where the hearing is, which judge will preside, if the charges are civil or criminal, what law they allege you broke, & the court file number (so you can file responses & motions you deem necessary). But our Freedom Fighting friend Phocion is being denied this Due Process! In this episode, Katherine & Phocion will discuss this case, Phocion's 5/16/23 Hearing, & his legal options!

Tuesday May 09, 2023

You probably have a general idea of what a trial is and what a motion hearing is, but do you really know the differences between them? In this episode, we'll go over the differences between trials, evidentiary hearings, and motion hearings. We'll also discuss the stages and types of cases in which each takes place.

Tuesday May 02, 2023

What to expect in criminal and civil cases. What to expect whether you filed the motion or the opposing party did. Cases can be won & lost with motions, so be prepared!

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Ipse Dixit in the legal context. What is it? How is it used by attorneys? What can you do about it? Learn how to best stop the nonsense dead in its tracks!

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Representing yourself in court? Don't have much faith in your attorney? Continue learning with our series on self-representation. This week we're going over the five most common pretrial motions. Whether your case is civil or criminal, this info will help you be best prepared for trial.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

E-filing systems make courts more accessible, right? Wrong! Discussing the roadblocks we've experienced in our current case against Ormond Beach, and how we overcame those roadblocks. Helping self-represented non attorneys navigate their way through the legal system. Emergency motions, civil cover sheets, designation of email, hidden court filing fees & more!

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

I've been encouraging people for years to properly educate themselves so they can represent themselves in court and other situations. But other than knowing which laws might apply in which situations, how do you really put together a case to represent yourself? There's so many laws and court rules and other procedures that it can all be overwhelming. This week, I will walk you through each step on how to prepare for a case.
Links mentioned:
Her Give Send Go
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~ Example 1 FL Court Docs
~ Example 2 FL Court Docs
This is a Public Service video 

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

As I prepare for my 2nd appeal as a FL resident, I become more frustrated with how our laws are contradictory, too many in number, too complex, and are cherry picked by government officials for which ones they follow. It also has me thinking about why the good guys often lose in court, especially when representing themselves. In this episode, we'll discuss commonly overlooked aspects of cases, and key tips on how to win them.

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023

You lost your ordinance enforcement hearing, so now what? How long do you have to appeal? What are the necessary steps? With your fundamental property rights at stake, and short timelines involved, find out the basics now before it's too late! Not personally experiencing these issues? Get the info anyway because you or someone you know will need it sooner than you think!

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