Restore Freedom Weekly

Restore Freedom Weekly


Tuesday Nov 29, 2022

Is your local government trampling your rights? Are you afraid to stand up against them? Or maybe just don't know how? This episode covers the basics of the true powers of local government, how they relate to your individual rights, what you can do when they trample your rights, and real life testimonies of legal ways to fight back!
#LocalGovernment #Active #CivicDuty #Accountability #OathOfOffice #Granted #Authority #Duties #IndividualRights #VocalLocal #OFthepeopleBYthepeopleFORthepeople

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022

Working tirelessly to defend the Constitution in local government & to educate the Hispanic community about it, Republican National Hispanic Assembly, State Chairman & Deltona Mayor-elect Santiago Avila Jr joins us to discuss how (& why) the RNHA brought Hispanics to the GOP & how he'll use the Constitution to guide him in leading Deltona.
#Mayor #RNHA #StateChair #GOP #Defend #Constitution #TruthMatters #Deltona #FL #Educate

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

Many of us are disgusted with the 'results.'  With most election results declared final across the US, is there anything the average person can even do? Is there anything we MUST do? Discussing: State Supreme Court justices, Bad ballot proposals passing, Good ballot proposals failing, Election irregularities, Bad candidates winning, Good candidates winning; and where we go from here.
#Results #Election #Constitution #SupremeCourt #Ballot #Proposal #Irregularities  #USConstitution

Election Day S1E45

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

There will be no full episode this week, as we make ourselves available to answer election day questions, as well as preparing for the next hurricane to hit Volusia County Florida. Depending on what resources this hurricane impacts for us, including power and internet, we hope to have a 10 minute Constitution segment recap video for you this Thursday to go over statewide candidate and ballot proposal results for Michigan and Florida, as well as key races across the United States.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

Voting straight party ticket? Or prefer to vote specifically for the proposals & candidates that best support the Constitution & our God-given liberties? Boiling down many hours of discussions in recent months to a 1HR summary. MI & FL - 2 of the most important states in elections: which statewide candidates & proposals to vote for?

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022

Election Challengers & Poll Watchers are essential to Fair & Honest elections.  How the SOS tried to shut down election challengers & poll watchers through new forms, no election day appointments, prohibiting recording devices & communication with election inspectors, & refusing to record all challenges made, AND the recent court order stopping this craziness!
#ElectionChallengers #PollWatchers #ElectionInspectors #CourtofClaims #Decision #RecordChallenges #Fair&HonestElections #SoS #SecretaryofState Prohibit #Recording 

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022

The constitutionality of remaining MI & FL proposals: Special property tax exemptions for certain public service workers, property tax exemptions for flood mitigation, abolishment of Constitution Revision Commission; term limits & financial reporting requirements; ID-less voting, state-funded voting conveniences, private election funding
#Proposal #TaxExempt #PublicWorkers #PropertyTax #FloodMitigation #RevisionCommission #TermLimits #FinancialReporting #LessVotingID #StateFundedVoting #PrivateElectionFunding #Constitution 

Tuesday Oct 11, 2022

25% of State Supreme Court Justices in the US are up for election this year! Do those judicial candidates follow the Constitution and defend your liberties? If there is only one candidate listed for a position, does that mean they're going to win regardless of how you vote? The surprising truth about State Supreme Court elections.
#MISupremeCourt #Judge #Election #RetentionElection #KnowTheCandidates

Monday Oct 10, 2022

Don't miss this week's RFW episode! We'll discuss: 25% of State Supreme Court Justices in the US are up for election this year! Do those judicial candidates follow the Constitution and defend your liberties? If there is only one candidate listed for a position, does that mean they're going to win regardless of how you vote? The surprising truth about State Supreme Court elections. YOU can watch & COMMENT LIVE on FB & YT Tues @ Noon EST.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022

Hurricane Ian made our constitution segment recap and general question follow-up impossible last week. But this topic is far too important to pass over. 
The 'Reproductive Freedom' Ballot Proposal is BLATANTLY unconstitutional AND allows abortion on demand (of babies unborn & BORN); prohibits licensing or regulation of abortion, sterilization, sex changes, infertility care; prohibits protecting children from having sterilization & sex change procedures, contraceptives, abortions, sex with pedophiles; allows parents to abandon children; REQUIRING society to pay for it ALL!
#Freedom #Constitution #Life #Abortion #Amendment #Petition #Ballot #Proposal

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