Restore Freedom Weekly

Restore Freedom Weekly


Monday Oct 03, 2022

Hurricane Ian made our constitution segment recap and general question follow-up impossible last week. But this topic is far too important to pass over.
The 'Reproductive Freedom' Ballot Proposal is BLATANTLY unconstitutional AND allows abortion on demand (of babies unborn & BORN); prohibits licensing or regulation of abortion, sterilization, sex changes, infertility care; prohibits protecting children from having sterilization & sex change procedures, contraceptives, abortions, sex with pedophiles; allows parents to abandon children; REQUIRING society to pay for it ALL!

Thursday Sep 29, 2022

An update from Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry regarding our usually scheduled Constitution Segment Recap - delay from Hurricane Ian (Take 2)

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022

Reproductive Freedom for All petition to amend the MI Constitution. •What does it say? •What does it mean for women? •For children? •Men? Families? •How does it fit in the rest of the MI Constitution? •If it’s adopted into the MI Constitution, would it be enforceable? •Does it conflict with the US Constitution? •Get the FACTS before voting in Nov•

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022

"Conservative" legislators tout bill as eliminating penalties for DNR violations, yet it has criminal & civil penalties, allows MORE reporting rules, requires inconsistent & impractical reporting methods, & codifies DNR orders as LAWS! Explaining the bill, the current law, & legislator Constitutional DUTIES.
#Conservative #Legislators #Bill #CriminalPenalties #CivilPenalties #ReportingRules #StateRep #Hunting #Rules #Violation

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022

Don't miss this week's RFW episode! We'll discuss: "Conservative" legislators touting bill as eliminating penalties for DNR violations, yet it has criminal & civil penalties, allows MORE reporting rules, requires inconsistent & impractical reporting methods, & codifies DNR orders as LAWS! Explaining the bill, the current law, & legislator Constitutional DUTIES. YOU can watch & COMMENT LIVE on FB & YT Tues @ Noon EST.

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022

A judge has issued a blatantly unconstitutional order.  Are you required to follow it?  What are your options?  Gag orders, unwanted medical procedures, denial of public information (FOIA) - real life examples and practical limitations. 
#KnowledgeIsPower #ConstitutionMatters #Unconstitutional #Order #FOIA #Transparency #GagOrders #MedicalProcedures #Denied #Examples

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022

Fence & Ground Cover Ordinances & HOA Rules - Constitutional? Ordinances & HOA Rules enforceable generally?  Rules on type, style, size, setbacks; Mandatory Permits & Inspections; and more! 
#Fence #GroundCover #Ordinance #HOARules #Mandatory #Permits #Inspections

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

When State Police lab testing has potential credibility issues, what duties do Prosecutors have toward Defendants? Real life, current issues in our criminal justice system!  Explaining this issue from a Constitutional perspective.
#StatePolice #Prosecutor #LabTest #Duty #Defendant #RealLife #CurrentIssue #CriminalJustice #Constitution

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022

 • State Law & this weekend's MIGOP Convention Bylaws requirements for selecting Lt Governor nominee • Today’s Primary Election Day in Florida
#LtGovernor #FLElections #StateLaw  #MIGOP #Convention #Bylaws #Requirements #Election #Michigan #Florida

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Appeals: what are the main types of appeals, when can you file them, and what courts do you file them in?
#Constitution #Access #Court #Hearing #Appeals #Motion #InProPer #ProSe #SelfRepresented #Interlocutory #ApplicationToAppeal #AppealOfRight #MoreAccessible

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