Restore Freedom Weekly

Katherine Henry is a Constitutional Attorney and founder of Restore Freedom. She’s a homeschooling mom, business owner and proud American. A fierce advocate for truth and the Rule of Law for 20+ years, she defends our Constitutionally-protected, God-given liberties and our government Of The People, By The People and For The People. She’s devoted to educating the public on the Constitution and the law, holding government officials accountable for violating their Constitutional Oaths of Office, and empowering everyday people to make a difference. She’s spoken on the Constitution at hundreds of events, hosts a website full of freedom fighting resources and educational videos, launched a weekly Constitution podcast and newsletter, and created a Constitution app for Apple and Android. From drafting a state constitutional amendment to arguing in the Michigan Supreme Court against Lockdown Orders, Katherine has been fighting to Restore our Freedom since day one. Her motto: More Freedom, Less Government! #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment

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Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

We've been fighting against the tyranny for years now, and it often feels like we're just spinning our wheels. How to avoid the burnout and have the most impact with your state and local government. How to have the most effective messaging, how to get that message in front of your representatives, and how to get real change done.

Episode Preview: S2E1

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Tomorrow at noon EST on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Twitch, Rumble and DLive!

Thursday Dec 15, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for: Local Government violating your right to Equal Protection? S1E50. Legal citations at
#Violation #EqualProtection #Constitution #LocalGovernment #Municipality 

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022

Don't become overwhelmed in this ongoing Freedom fight! Pick no more than 3 freedom fighting topics for 2023! #3for2023 #GetInvolvedChallenge
Freedom Fighting Focus... The more you realize how each level & branch of government violate our rights in so many ways, the more overwhelmed you become in trying to fight back against it all.  Going into 2023, let us help you focus your #FreedomFighting efforts to make it more realistic & manageable.  The first step is to narrow down your topics to fight for. Yes, you love ALL your freedoms, but you only have so many hours in each day. Pick your top 1 to 3 topics of concern to watch throughout 2023. Religious liberty, medical freedom, 2A, property ownership/takings clause, free speech & press, search & seizure, equal protection, homeschooling and/or educational freedom - just pick no more than 3 for 2023! As simple as this #GetInvolvedChallenge may seem, it will set the course for your entire freedom fight in 2023, so don't pass this challenge up!

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

Equal Protection is guaranteed by every state constitution & the US Constitution yet local governments violate it regularly. What is an equal protection violation? How can you identify if your municipality is violating your right to equal protection? We'll discuss ways you can fight back if they are, with examples from real life case documents.#Violation #EqualProtection #Guaranteed #Constitution #LocalGovernment #Municipality

Monday Dec 12, 2022

Don't miss the last RFW episode of 2022! We'll discuss how Equal Protection is guaranteed by every state constitution & the US Constitution yet local governments violate it regularly. What is an equal protection violation? How can you identify if your municipality is violating your right to equal protection? We'll discuss ways you can fight back if they are, with examples from real life case documents. YOU can watch & COMMENT LIVE on FB, YT, Twitch & LinkedIn Tues @ Noon EST.

Thursday Dec 08, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for: More on how to stand up to local governments! Legal citations at

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022

Last week, we started our in-depth discussion on our Right & our Duty to stand up against Local Government violating our rights. This week, we continue this important discussion with more real-life examples of how YOU can fight back when local government tramples YOUR rights!
#LocalGovernment #Active #CivicDuty #Accountability #OathOfOffice #Granted #Authority #Duties #IndividualRights #VocalLocal #OFthepeopleBYthepeopleFORthepeople

Monday Dec 05, 2022

Don't miss this week's RFW episode! We'll continue discussing: How to stand up to local governments! Last week, we started our in-depth discussion on our Right & our Duty to stand up against Local Government violating our rights. This week, we continue this important discussion with more real-life examples of how YOU can fight back when local government tramples YOUR rights! YOU can watch & COMMENT LIVE on FB, YT, Twitch & LinkedIn Tues @ Noon EST.

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for: How to stand up to local governments! Legal citations at

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