Restore Freedom Weekly

Katherine Henry is a Constitutional Attorney and founder of Restore Freedom. She’s a homeschooling mom, business owner and proud American. A fierce advocate for truth and the Rule of Law for 20+ years, she defends our Constitutionally-protected, God-given liberties and our government Of The People, By The People and For The People. She’s devoted to educating the public on the Constitution and the law, holding government officials accountable for violating their Constitutional Oaths of Office, and empowering everyday people to make a difference. She’s spoken on the Constitution at hundreds of events, hosts a website full of freedom fighting resources and educational videos, launched a weekly Constitution podcast and newsletter, and created a Constitution app for Apple and Android. From drafting a state constitutional amendment to arguing in the Michigan Supreme Court against Lockdown Orders, Katherine has been fighting to Restore our Freedom since day one. Her motto: More Freedom, Less Government! #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment

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Tuesday Jun 14, 2022

Ballot Access, Running for Office a Discussion with Jon Rocha. Examples from the Allegan County Trespass Case.  Do you have a Right to run for office?  What the Constitution says about Ballot Access.  Robust discussion with State Rep Candidate Jon Rocha on: his situation, his lawsuit to put his name back on the August ballot, the decision by the MSC last Tuesday, and what he is doing now. 
#Ballot #Office #Candidate #Access #August #Primary #StateRep #MISupremeCourt #MSC #JonRocha #ConstitutionMatters

Monday Jun 13, 2022

The full episode can be SEEN @ or HEARD @

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022

Circuit court appeal brief, Allegan Case "With our family on our way to my mother in law's funeral today, this episode is going to be short, but I still wanted to at least provide you with some resources and encouragement in your own fight for freedom.  
 • The document I discuss in the video can be found at
#Allegan #CircuitCourt #Appeal #Brief #Case #Judge #Fight #Resources

Monday Jun 06, 2022

The full episode can be SEEN @ or HEARD @

Thursday Jun 02, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for Jurisdiction - does the court have the authority to hear your case? Legal citations at
 • Katherine's documents in the Allegan County Election Day Case provide more info on jurisdiction:  • A more in-depth legal analysis of subject matter jurisdiction can be found in the documents Katherine filed last year in the case: and
#Jurisdiction #Court #ConstitutionSegmentRecap #Constitution #Law #CourtRules #Authority #Case #Trespass #Judge

Tuesday May 31, 2022

Jurisdiction - does the court have the authority to hear your case? The court MUST have appropriate jurisdiction in order to make any decisions in a case. What are the types of jurisdiction? What is REQUIRED to happen if the court doesn't have the appropriate jurisdiction?
 • Katherine's documents in the Allegan County Election Day Case provide more info on jurisdiction:  • A more in-depth legal analysis of subject matter jurisdiction can be found in the documents Katherine filed last year in the case: and
#Jurisdiction #Court #Constitution #Law #CourtRules #Authority #Case #Allegan #Trespass #Judge

Monday May 30, 2022

The full episode can be SEEN @ or HEARD @

Tuesday May 24, 2022

Can you use these in criminal cases or civil cases? What law allows you to file these? What do they look like? What are some reasons you can request a case to be dismissed? Whether you have a case currently pending or not; whether you have an attorney representing you or not; whether you have any prior legal knowledge or not, this is definitely an episode you don't want to miss!#MotiontoDismiss #CriminalvCivil #CaseDismissed #Motion #Brief #Argument #DueProcess #SubstantiveDueProcess #ProceduralDueProcess #Allegan #AlleganCounty #CourtRules #14A #5A #Court #Judge #Prosecutor #Justice #WeThePeople #LifeLibertyProperty

Monday May 23, 2022

The full episode can be SEEN @ or HEARD @

Thursday May 19, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for What is Due Process and what does it mean for me? Legal citations at
#SubstantiveDueProcess #ProceduralDueProcess #14thAmendment #Court #Justice #Michigan #Allegan #AlleganCounty #Trial  #Law #CriminalProcedure #CourtRules #Constitution #WeThePeople #14A #5A #DueProcess #LifeLibertyProperty #ShallNotBeDeprived

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