Restore Freedom Weekly

Katherine Henry is a Constitutional Attorney and founder of Restore Freedom. She’s a homeschooling mom, business owner and proud American. A fierce advocate for truth and the Rule of Law for 20+ years, she defends our Constitutionally-protected, God-given liberties and our government Of The People, By The People and For The People. She’s devoted to educating the public on the Constitution and the law, holding government officials accountable for violating their Constitutional Oaths of Office, and empowering everyday people to make a difference. She’s spoken on the Constitution at hundreds of events, hosts a website full of freedom fighting resources and educational videos, launched a weekly Constitution podcast and newsletter, and created a Constitution app for Apple and Android. From drafting a state constitutional amendment to arguing in the Michigan Supreme Court against Lockdown Orders, Katherine has been fighting to Restore our Freedom since day one. Her motto: More Freedom, Less Government! #RestoreFreedom #MoreFreedomLessGovernment

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Tuesday May 17, 2022

We have all heard of "due process," but do we know what it means?  Many Americans do NOT know where Due Process is in the Constitution; most Americans don't know what types of Due Process are protected by the Constitution or what the US Supreme Court has said is covered by the Due Process Clause . . . Join us for this week's Episode of Restore Freedom Weekly to learn about Substantive and Procedural Due Process and gain invaluable information on how to protect your rights.  
#SubstantiveDueProcess #ProceduralDueProcess #14thAmendment #Court #Justice #Michigan #Allegan #AlleganCounty #Trial  #Law #CriminalProcedure #CourtRules #Constitution #WeThePeople #14A #5A#DueProcess #LifeLibertyProperty #ShallNotBeDeprived

Monday May 16, 2022

The full episode can be SEEN @ or HEARD @

Thursday May 12, 2022

Constitution Segment Recap for Republican SoS Nominee Interview & Overview of Current MI Petitions. 
• How many times is the chief elections officer mentioned in the Michigan Constitution? • What are the rights of citizens for specific petitions in the MI Constitution? 
#Vacancies #Petition #TruthMatters #KnowledgeISPower #EducateYourself #ConstitutionalOath #Elect #Rights #Senators #Representatives

Tuesday May 10, 2022

Does government work for the people? One Secretary of State candidate certainly thinks so! Interview with the Republican Secretary of State Nominee & an Overview of Current Michigan Citizens Petitions. • To find out more about Kristina Karamo, visit her site here: #SoS #Government #Candidate #Petition #Michigan #KirstinaKaramo #Constitution #WeThePeople #KnowTheCandidates

Monday May 09, 2022

The full episode can be SEEN @ or HEARD @

Thursday May 05, 2022

When talking about the state of Michigan’s Executive Branch; how are ‘Rights’ and ‘Powers’ applied?  What does the Constitution of Michigan say about Executive Branch organization?  What are the duties of the Executive Branch when someone in public office is violating the constitution?  Constitutional Oath of Office; who is required to take it and what happens when they don’t? Legal citations at
#Candidate #Gubernatorial #RyanDKelley #KelleyForGovernor #MINextGovernor #KnowTheCandidates #WeThePeople #OathofOffice #ConstitutionViolation #ExecutiveResponsibilities

Tuesday May 03, 2022

Asking candid questions of Michigan's Gubernatorial Candidate-2022, Ryan D. Kelley.  
Whether you're in Michigan or from another state, you'll be given ideas of what important questions should be asked of a candidate running for governor. Also, what issues are priority to address and learn what specific constitutional authorities a governor has and their responsibilities. This interview is not pre-scripted. 
#Constitution #Candidate #Gubernatorial #RyanDKelley #KelleyForGovernor #MINextGovernor #KnowTheCandidates #WeThePeople

Tuesday May 03, 2022

The full episode can be SEEN @ or HEARD @

Thursday Apr 28, 2022

Voters in Michigan may request an audit on elections run by the Secretary of State, but the SoS does the audit of its own results?  🤔
“MCL 168.861 does NOT” allow Plaintiff to file a quo warranto claim as an individual in Michigan? 🤦🏼‍♂️
Have you read what your state constitution says about elections?  What about your state statutes?  We’ll go over the constitutional provisions and statutes regarding elections and individual rights to audit. You can find the MCoA decision here:
#WeThePeople #OathOfOffice #ElectionAudit #ElectionIntegrity #ConstitutionalAdvocate #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #Rights #Grassroots #GovernmentOverreach #OFthepeopleBYthepeopleFORthepeople

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022

If you care about Election Integrity - especially in Michigan - this is an episode you won't want to miss! We'll go over what the court ruled and discuss the key points of this case.
MI Court of Appeals ruling Bailey v County of Antrim:
#OathOfOffice #ConstitutionalAdvocate #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #Rights #Grassroots #GovernmentOverreach

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