Restore Freedom Weekly
Restore Freedom Weekly

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Circuit court appeal brief, Allegan Case "With our family on our way to my mother in law's funeral today, this episode is going to be short, but I still wanted to at least provide you with some resources and encouragement in your own fight for freedom.
• The document I discuss in the video can be found at
#Allegan #CircuitCourt #Appeal #Brief #Case #Judge #Fight #Resources

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Jurisdiction - does the court have the authority to hear your case? The court MUST have appropriate jurisdiction in order to make any decisions in a case. What are the types of jurisdiction? What is REQUIRED to happen if the court doesn't have the appropriate jurisdiction?
• Katherine's documents in the Allegan County Election Day Case provide more info on jurisdiction: • A more in-depth legal analysis of subject matter jurisdiction can be found in the documents Katherine filed last year in the case: and
#Jurisdiction #Court #Constitution #Law #CourtRules #Authority #Case #Allegan #Trespass #Judge

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Can you use these in criminal cases or civil cases? What law allows you to file these? What do they look like? What are some reasons you can request a case to be dismissed? Whether you have a case currently pending or not; whether you have an attorney representing you or not; whether you have any prior legal knowledge or not, this is definitely an episode you don't want to miss!#MotiontoDismiss #CriminalvCivil #CaseDismissed #Motion #Brief #Argument #DueProcess #SubstantiveDueProcess #ProceduralDueProcess #Allegan #AlleganCounty #CourtRules #14A #5A #Court #Judge #Prosecutor #Justice #WeThePeople #LifeLibertyProperty

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
We have all heard of "due process," but do we know what it means? Many Americans do NOT know where Due Process is in the Constitution; most Americans don't know what types of Due Process are protected by the Constitution or what the US Supreme Court has said is covered by the Due Process Clause . . . Join us for this week's Episode of Restore Freedom Weekly to learn about Substantive and Procedural Due Process and gain invaluable information on how to protect your rights.
#SubstantiveDueProcess #ProceduralDueProcess #14thAmendment #Court #Justice #Michigan #Allegan #AlleganCounty #Trial #Law #CriminalProcedure #CourtRules #Constitution #WeThePeople #14A #5A#DueProcess #LifeLibertyProperty #ShallNotBeDeprived

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Does government work for the people? One Secretary of State candidate certainly thinks so! Interview with the Republican Secretary of State Nominee & an Overview of Current Michigan Citizens Petitions. • To find out more about Kristina Karamo, visit her site here: #SoS #Government #Candidate #Petition #Michigan #KirstinaKaramo #Constitution #WeThePeople #KnowTheCandidates

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Asking candid questions of Michigan's Gubernatorial Candidate-2022, Ryan D. Kelley.
Whether you're in Michigan or from another state, you'll be given ideas of what important questions should be asked of a candidate running for governor. Also, what issues are priority to address and learn what specific constitutional authorities a governor has and their responsibilities. This interview is not pre-scripted.
#Constitution #Candidate #Gubernatorial #RyanDKelley #KelleyForGovernor #MINextGovernor #KnowTheCandidates #WeThePeople

Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
If you care about Election Integrity - especially in Michigan - this is an episode you won't want to miss! We'll go over what the court ruled and discuss the key points of this case.
MI Court of Appeals ruling Bailey v County of Antrim:
#OathOfOffice #ConstitutionalAdvocate #Liberty #IndividualLiberties #Rights #Grassroots #GovernmentOverreach

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
An interview with a Candidate for Michigan Attorney General, Ryan Berman. Even if you're in another state, this will be a great episode to watch, including being able to hear the type of questions to ask a candidate and learn what the Attorney General’s duties are. This interview is not pre-scripted.
#Candidate #AG #AttorneyGeneral #StateConvention #PrecinctDelegate #KnowTheCandidates

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
EOs & the MI Supreme Court: What law was actually struck down and why? What’s happening now? What has actually been decided? 1945 EPGA, 1976 EMA, 1976 Public Health Code...Separation of Powers violation? Individual liberties violation? Other Constitutional violations?
• Documents in today's video are available at: • Link for EPGA pdf:
#Resolution #Law #PublicHealth #Truth #EPGA #Knowledge #EMA #PublicHealthCode #MISupremeCourt #IndividualLiberties #SeparationOfPowers #NonDelegation #ExecutiveBranch #LegislativeBranch #GovernmentOverreach #ConstitutionalDuty #ChecksAndBalances

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
April Fools' and the Enforceability of Resolutions. Obeying the law - do "Resolutions" count? Are Resolutions the same as Laws? Ordinances v Resolutions - What can be used to regulate the people? Don't let the government fool you!
• MI Concurrent Resolutions: • MI Joint Resolutions: • MI Simple Resolutions: • US Congressional Resolutions: • FL Archives (Includes Resolutions with the Force of Law): • FL Legislature Search Tool (Select Chamber & Bill Type): • Georgetown Township, MI Ordinances, etc.:
#Resolution #Law #Ordinance #truth #AprilFools #Knowledge